In this article, you will get to know about Multiprogramming and Multitasking operating systems.
MultiProgramming Operating System
This is concept is for a single CPU.
The concept of multiprogramming operating systems came earlier than the multitasking operating systems.
This operating system try's to take as many processes into the RAM.
It is generally non pre-emptive, and at the same time, it tries to prevent CPU from being ideal.
The functionality of multiprogramming operating system can be understood as, support that there is a process that wants to perform some input/output operation, in that case, the process will be sent for I/O operation and in the meantime, the CPU will start executing another process, and hence by this way we prevent CPU from being ideal.
The main focus of multiprogramming operating system is to prevent CPU from being ideal.
Note: If a process does not want to perform any kind of I/O operation then CPU will first execute it completely, and this is why multiprogramming CPU is termed as non pre-emptive.
Concept of Context Switching is used but there is not the concept of time-sharing.
MultiTasking operating System
This concept is for a single CPU.
It is also known as the time-sharing operating system.
The concept of the multitasking operating system is simple that, it will execute a process for a particular time and if in that time the process gets finished then well & good otherwise it will start executing another process.
This type of operating system is termed as pre-emptive (CPU is not ideal). The idealness gets decreased.
By this approach, every process get a chance to execute and the process do not have to wait for to start their execution.
One more thing that makes the multitasking operating system more suitable is that along with the less idealness of the CPU becomes more responsive.
Concept of Context Switching and Time Sharing is used.
The main advantage of a multitasking operating system over a multiprogramming operating system is that a multitasking operating system is more responsive than a multiprogramming operating system.
The main focus of multitasking operating systems is to make CPU more responsive.