Let look at Process and Thread, and User and Kernal Level Thread | Operating System EP-11

Let look at Process and Thread, and User and Kernal Level Thread | Operating System EP-11

  • In this article, you will the difference between Processes and Threads in an operating system. Here, we are talking about a multiprocessing/ multitasking environment.

  • Let’s take a general overview of both things. A process is a heavyweight task while a thread is a lightweight task.


  • In the process, we fork the process, and by it, a duplicate process starts, which has its own Data, code, stack, and register


  • System calls are involved in the process (e.g. fork). Here operating system/kernel is responsible for making multiple processes.

  • Operating system treats different processes differently.

  • Different processes have different copies of data, files, and codes.

  • Context switching is slow.

  • Blocking a process will not lock the other process.

  • Independent in nature.


  • In the thread, if we create multiple threads of a task, then both threads will share the data, code while they have their own stack and registers.


  • There is no system call involved (generally at the user level). Here user or the API is responsible for making multiple threads.

  • All user-level threads are treated as single levels for the operating systems.

  • Threads share same copy of code and data.

  • Context switching is faster.

  • Blocking a thread will block the entire thread.

  • Interdependent in nature. Because they share memory and address.

  • Now let see difference between User-level and Kernel level threads in an operating system. Here, we are talking about multiprocessing/multitasking environment.

  • Remember one thing that, user-level thread and kernel-level thread always share code, file, and data while they have different stacks and registers, that’s why these are known as Lightweight processes.

User Level Thread:

  • User-level threads are managed by user-level libraries. It means that it is the responsibility of the application to create user level thread.

  • User-level threads are typically fast.

  • Context switching is faster.

  • If one user-level thread performs blocking operations then entire process get blocked.

Kernal Level Thread:

  • Kernel level threads are managed by the operating system. We have to use system calls for it.

  • Kernel-level threads are slower than user-level threads.

  • Context switching is slower.

  • If one kernel-level thread blocked, no effect on others.

Hybrid environment:


  • At present we use a hybrid environment, which means that we have both user-level thread and kernel-level thread.

  • Generally we use two user-level threads and map it with one kernel-level thread.

  • We can map it by using the many to one, one to many, many to many methods. Just like Linux-based operating systems in general use one-to-one methods, to map user-level thread and kernel-level thread.

  • Context switching time: Process > KLT > ULT